Rankin's Dragon CBB

Sale price$300.00


Species Information Profile: Rankin's Dragon (Pogona henrylawsoni)

Species Summary: Rankin's Dragon (Pogona henrylawsoni), also known as Lawson's Dragon, is a captivating reptile native to Queensland, Australia. Despite their smaller size compared to Bearded Dragons, they are gaining popularity as pets due to their charming personality and manageable care requirements. These lizards are known for their social nature and suitability for handling.

Lifespan: Rankin's Dragons typically have a lifespan of 6 to 10 years, with some individuals living up to 15 years with proper care. Providing excellent husbandry and diet is crucial to ensuring their longevity.

Appearance: Rankin's Dragons have a slender body with prominent, rough skin covered in raised bumps and thorn-like protrusions. Their coloration varies, typically featuring natural hues such as brown, green, and grey, often with unique patterns like stripes or spots. They have rounded heads and a distinctive "beard," though less pronounced than Bearded Dragons.

Average Size: Adult Rankin's Dragons reach an average size of 10 to 12 inches in length. Females tend to be slightly larger and wider to accommodate egg-laying.

Rankin's Dragon Care:

Enclosure Size:

  • Rankin's Dragons require a glass enclosure with proper ventilation.
  • A recommended enclosure size is approximately 48 inches in width, 24 inches in length, and 24 inches in height (similar to a 40-gallon tank) for a single lizard.
  • Larger enclosures are necessary if keeping a small group to provide ample space for exploration.

What to Put in Their Enclosure:

  • Include branches, climbing bridges, vines, and reptile hammocks for semi-arboreal behaviour.
  • Incorporate slate rocks for basking.
  • Add both real or fake plants for enrichment and shelter.
  • Provide at least one shelter in the enclosure, with more if space allows.
  • Select appropriate substrate material, such as paper towels, newspapers, or a mixture of sand, potting soil, and clay.

Temperature & Lighting:

  • Maintain a temperature gradient within the enclosure, with the cool end at around 80°F and the basking spot at 100°F to 110°F, achieved using a basking light.
  • Use a UVB bulb (10-12 percent) to provide essential UVB rays for vitamin D metabolism.
  • Maintain a day and night cycle, with lights on for 10-12 hours during the day.


  • Maintain moderate humidity around 40 percent.
  • Achieve this with an automatic misting system or manual misting.
  • Use a hygrometer to monitor humidity levels.


  • Provide a shallow, tip-proof dish of clean water for drinking and soaking.
  • Regularly replace the water to prevent mold and bacteria buildup.

Food & Diet:

  • Rankin's Dragons are omnivores.
  • Approximately 60 percent of their diet should consist of insects, including crickets, black soldier fly larvae, silkworms, mealworms, and dubia roaches.
  • The remaining 40 percent of their diet should include vegetables like collard greens, arugula, turnip greens, and dandelion.
  • Dust food with calcium supplements a few times a week for optimal health.

Possible Health Issues:

  • Common health issues include respiratory infections and yellow fungus.
  • Maintain clean living conditions to prevent diseases.
  • Perform spot cleanings and monthly deep sanitization of the enclosure.

Behaviour & Temperament:

  • Rankin's Dragons are social and can be kept in small colonies of three (two females and a male).
  • They tolerate handling well as adults and can be let out of the enclosure for supervised exploration.
  • Wash hands before and after handling to prevent the spread of diseases.

This comprehensive care sheet should help you provide excellent care for your Rankin's Dragon, ensuring its well-being and longevity in your care.

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