Yellow Rainbow (M. herbertaxelrodi)

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Melanotaenia herbertaxelrodi is a beautiful golden rainbowfish from Papua New Guinea. Also known as the Lake Tebera Rainbow, these active schoolers reach about 3.5-4" in length. Watching males spar for female attention is a sight to behold! Like all rainbows they are best kept in groups and are quite peaceful. They are quite active, though, and may intimidate particularly shy species such as certain gouramis, etc. Rainbowfish are genrally available for sale as drab juveniles, and are thus often overlooked; while they may be an exercise in patience, the spectacular colour of adult rainbowfish makes it all worth it. There are very few freshwater fish that can rival the intensity of colour found on adult rainbowfish.

These are juveniles around 2.5-3" long. They are just beginning to develop their colour; a couple males are already getting quite bright!

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