Rosy Loach

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Petruichthys sp. 'Rosy' is a charming, undescribed dwarf loach from Myanmar. Sometimes sold as a Yunnanilus sp. or under the non-existent binomial "Tuberoschistura arakanensis", these small fish inhabit the same waters as the popular Celestial Pearl Danio. As such, while they can take temperatures up to about 78F, cool water in the mid to low 70s is preferred. Males develop a reddish-orange body colour; both sexes have a black stripe running the length of the flank. Reaching about 1.5" max, these tiny loaches fit best with other small peaceful fishes, such as many tetras, rasboras, danios, and small gouramis. Like all loaches they should be kept in groups; we recommend at least a trio, but the more you have, the more comfortable and outgoing they will be.

These are juveniles around 0.75-1" long. They have yet to develop full adult colouration.

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