Emerald Long Tailed Grass Lizard CBB

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Species Information Profile: Emerald Grass Lizard (Takydromus smaragdinus)

Species Summary: The Emerald Grass Lizard (Takydromus smaragdinus) is an intriguing reptile native to various regions in Asia, including Taiwan, Korea, Japan, and parts of China. While often overshadowed by more colourful reptile species, these lizards have their own unique charm and characteristics. This species is known for its agility, speed, and distinctive emerald-green coloration, making it a captivating addition to the world of herpetology.

Lifespan: In captivity, Emerald Grass Lizards can live for approximately five to six years with proper care.

Appearance: Emerald Grass Lizards are small and slender, typically reaching a length of about 10 to 12 inches. Their most distinctive feature is their vibrant green coloration, which closely resembles the shade of emeralds. They have relatively short tails compared to some other members of the Takydromus genus, approximately twice the length of their snout-to-vent.

Enclosure Size:

  • Provide a glass terrarium with adequate ventilation.
  • Recommended enclosure size is approximately 36 inches in width, 24 inches in length, and 24 inches in height for a pair.
  • Larger enclosures are beneficial for multiple specimens, allowing more room for natural behaviours.

What to Put in Their Enclosure:

  • Include a variety of branches, climbing structures, artificial vines, and reptile hammocks to mimic their natural habitat.
  • Utilize slate rocks for basking spots.
  • Incorporate both real and artificial plants for enrichment and hiding spots.
  • Offer at least one hide area, with additional hides if space permits.
  • Choose an appropriate substrate, such as peat moss and/or ground bark mulch, to maintain humidity.

Temperature & Lighting:

  • Maintain a temperature range between 75 to 90 degrees Fahrenheit during the day, slightly cooler at night.
  • Use full-spectrum UVA/UVB lighting during the day.
  • Consider using an ultraviolet (black) light for a few hours at night to establish a day/night cycle.


  • Maintain a humidity level of about 70 to 80 percent by misting the enclosure daily.
  • Provide a small water bowl to ensure hydration.


  • Supply a shallow, non-tipping water dish for drinking and soaking.
  • Regularly clean and replace the water to prevent contamination.

Food & Diet:

  • Emerald Grass Lizards are insectivorous.
  • Offer a diet consisting mainly of small, soft-bodied invertebrates, including small crickets, wingless fruit flies, waxworms, moths, and small spiders.
  • Occasionally, they may accept small live fish.
  • Avoid mealworms for smaller lizards due to their hard outer shell.

Possible Health Issues:

  • Common health concerns include respiratory infections and tail autotomy (tail dropping).
  • Maintain clean living conditions and handle with care to prevent stress-related health issues.

Behaviour & Temperament:

  • These lizards are generally mild-mannered and can be kept with others of their species or in a communal terrarium with similar-sized reptiles.
  • Handle them carefully to prevent tail autotomy, and supervise interactions with children.
  • Practice good hygiene by washing hands before and after handling to avoid the spread of germs.

This comprehensive care sheet will assist you in providing excellent care for your Emerald Grass Lizard, ensuring its well-being and enjoyment in your care.

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